Let's beginThe last time our paths crossed, yours truly was mumbling on about summer and how much I hated it. Well. I'm still there. A little less white, but still in absolute abhorance of it's cancer filled rays. hings haven't changed much. Unless you account for my inability to work out, and the size of my gut, but we are not counting that. Those of you who are, proceed quickly to the nearest exit, and don't stop until you see my grotesque figure appearing larger than it actually is in your rear view mirror.
Summer has been filled with the normal things a mother deals with.
Beating addictions, and by "addictions", I mean small children.
Finding solace in friends, (Courtney came to visit, and we may have gotten a little out of hand.) I'll disclose no more unless you want to sign, here, here. And Here.
I took the opportunity to attend my high school reunion last week, and after revealing the hatred I currently have for my life's situation to people that I didn't like years, ago, let alone 10 years, and 2 college degrees, and no children later, I attempted to leave the venue we chose for our reunion (1 very steep set of stairs with a yacht club on top, ) and fell all the way to the bottom, bruising not only my shins, chins, and ego, but my reputation as well.
Apparently, not much has changed.
I've been in school for about 4 months now, and am still very much dedicated to the cause. OF course by cause, I mean, not failing out as I have a lifetime supply of student loans riding on this, and it's my only way out. I've taken up photography for others in my spare time, doing something with myself besides loathing and self depreciation.
I got some fun shots of a family I love, and even shot my kids. (tried to anyway, child services stepped in and I was left with just taking their photos).
Hell even got a little chilly one day when I popped out a scrapbook page. I tell you people. TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING.
Lately I've just been trying to hang onto to the stuff I know is true. Which is: dieting is for the birds. And diet coke can't fix everything. But it makes the miserable more easier to deal with.
I met an amazing friend a few months ago who has really been inspiring me to be more than just a lazy bump on a log. I have yet to ACT on the inspiration, but when I do, you will be the first to know. Oh, who am I kidding. I never tell you guys anything. Twitter is where it's at. It's where I'm at. 140 is the new blog. Or something to that effect. Anyways, my girl is so much fun, and so inspiring, did I say that already? Well it's true. She has made the past couple months somewhat bearable, and her make-up skills are the SHITZ. people. Yes. I said it. HEr blog is totally fun, and she keeps me company when the days seem too long, the nights too short.
All in all not much has changed. I'm still the girl with way too much on her plate, and it's usually food. I still have a marathon to run, and I still have goals to attend to. My "book" is coming along about as great as one could expect an ADHD patients book to be. I have chapters 1, 8, and the title page done, the rest is a giant hodgepodge of thoughts and ideas. I have so many, it's just a matter of getting them where they need to be. Kind of like my kids.
Speaking of the little spawns, er- angels, the chloroform appears to be wearing off, and I have laundry to fold, and chores to ignore, not to mention food to consume, so I'll close. But thanks for the continued readership. All 3 of you. I heart you guys. Big giant cholesterol filled hearts. And I appreciate those who still check on me.
To those who checked on me while I in the bathroom I apologize, you weren't supposed to see that.
Come back soon. I'll have lots more stuff to not share with you, and plenty of responsibilities to shirk.
May the force be with you.
WE out.
Its nice to finally "meet" the woman that tweets the stuff I am thinking but to scared to say about motherhood!
Posted by: robin | July 29, 2009 at 12:58 PM
Ruth I think i said it before I scan blogs on blogline but your blog is the only blog I actually read every signle word of you are always cracking me up, even my DH who just entered the room and was looking at why I was laughing. I hope you are serious about writing a book, I would buy it as a fellow ADHD-er :)
keep those updates coming. I tried twitter and for the life of me I couldn't see the use of it.
Posted by: corinne delis | July 29, 2009 at 09:22 PM
you rock girl. FAce it. own it. live it.
Posted by: Lisa Martin | August 01, 2009 at 03:17 PM
I am way too visual for twitter. I like to see the goods and so I will just hang in there Ruth and enjoy your hilarious posts whenever you get around to them. The layout? mad skills girl. really. The best thing to do about the reunion? show up again in ten years and deny EVERYthing.
Posted by: Denise Morrison | August 02, 2009 at 06:57 PM
freaking AWESOME photos and that scrapbook page just made me want to stop everything and create. you so rock, dude. don't let anyone tell you different.
call or text me if you ever get bored or lonely. because i'm so there. pretty much 24/7.
Posted by: cheryl | August 04, 2009 at 05:28 AM
sigh. i love your blog.
Posted by: Heather | August 13, 2009 at 02:25 PM
I've just been trying to hang onto to the stuff I know is true. Which is: dieting is for the birds. And diet coke can't fix everything. But it makes the miserable more easier to deal with.
Posted by: creatin | October 03, 2009 at 02:54 AM